Thursday, January 21, 2010

Recycled Gift Packaging Joke:the Political Correct Christmas?

Joke:the political correct Christmas? - recycled gift packaging

Imposed on 12 Midwinter Festival Eurocentrically, my other big consenting adults in a monogamous relationship is to me:

Twelve men recover their inner warrior through ritual drumming,

ELEVEN piper piping (plus the pit orchestra of 18 members of the regular members of the Musicians Equity Union urged by their union in contract, even if not asked to play a tone)

TEN melanin deprived testosterone poisoned barb of the patriarchal ruling class show jumping,

Nine persons who in rhythmic self-expression,

To steal Eight economically disadvantaged female persons milk products from enslaved bovine Americans

September swans on endangered protected wetlands by the federal --

SIX enslaved Fowl-Americans do not steal the products of animal origin of man

Five golden symbols of culture forced the National Penitentiary,

(Note: After the members of the Front for the Liberation of Animals threatened to red color on my computer, or throwand call the birds, French hens and partridge have been introduced to their natural habitat again. To prevent the animals from slavery in America, the remaining gift package revision.)

Four hours of recorded whale songs

Three Poets of deconstruction,

TWO Sierra Club calendars on recycled paper, tree carcasses are processed and printed ...

A Spotted Owl activist chained to an old pear tree growth.

Merry Christmas, Happy Hanukkah. Happy Kwanzaa. Lady Yule. Happy Holidays! (except where prohibited by law) *

* Unless you suffer from Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD). If this is the case, please replace this call for free to celebrate with the proposal, one days are quite sufficient


yahoo princess said...

THE SAD now suffer!

should cheer when his jokes!

HaSiCiT Bust A Tie A1 TieBusters said...

honey said...

This is very real and very funny! i love it!

Rick J said...

How boring

Sparkles said...

Crap sounds like the real thing now a day.

Cunning Linguist said...

Har! That's great.

JAM123 said...

Ha ha ha. "
Now that's funny Doris. "
10/10. "
Is this on the bulletin board at work. "
Cheers. "

pullthet... said...

Hahaha! oh well! have a star * Ting *

Luck dragon said...

ha ha ha funny
Thank you for the laugh

nana said...

lol, thnx for posting.

teddy said...

One of the best laughs of the day and the joy a star.

teddy said...

One of the best laughs of the day and the joy a star.

Deedee said...

Lol and this is how it is to find everything. I can not

Deedee said...

Lol and this is how it is to find everything. I can not

benvanzi... said...

LOL !!!!!! Hilarious take on our society to PC? If you do it yourself, congratulations!

benvanzi... said...

LOL !!!!!! Hilarious take on our society to PC? If you do it yourself, congratulations!

lost cause said...

***************** Whatttttttttttttttttttttt the

Dani said...

lol, very funny .... As always someone will find offensive, P:

briley_c... said...

Love it!

Dagger said...

Each .... listen

Rate our rabbit in the house of Congress and the House of Parliament (United Kingdom) and make sure that Christmas will never "politically correct". Join our campaign, carrot farmer smile is our sponsor:

Hail To The Carrot
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