Monday, January 18, 2010

Stroke Therapy Please Help! Stroke Therapy For Family Member?

Please help! stroke therapy for family member? - stroke therapy

Hello, I wonder if I could help someone! There are about 10 years, a family member close to me who is over 60, paralyzed by a stroke that half of his body. He lost the ability to speak (aphasia, right?) And if one speaks of what he is as "MSA MSA, and one of his hands and legs by what paralyzed in a wheelchair. She went to speech therapy for a while, but has ceased to go. He also has diabetes and a range of cardiac disease, stroke, but still eat foods that are harmful, because it is one of their few sources of joy and cries when it does not not continue with it. My husband has heart problems and was to have heart surgery this year. Prior to his career one of the most dynamic, happy, and I think she gave it to improve. I love her very much and it pains me to see how her. It often the last lunch, sleep, and I do not want to work to find his voice or use his arm and leg. In addition to controlling his brain, that the music and memory and not by whatable to sing songs from memory. They tried to sing to people "when he to see if that helps you communicate, they thought, but it seems to work. I thought that art therapy can help a little? Does anyone know anyone so I was able to all or only partially reimbursed? I know that she can do no more therapy, but it was something I could do to help? I think if I tried to paint or sing a few songs with me, it would be a little happier. I will next week visit, and I just wanted to know. Even after 10 years, I have no hope that one day will get better, and I hope with all my heart for them. Sorry, that was so long, but I would appreciate any help anyone can give to! Thank you!


Anonymous said...

The linguistic behavior is the so-called "global aphasia," and typically not very sensitive to treatment, even in the first months after the stroke. In such cases, the speech will not be restored, especially after 10 years.
I hope the speech, which he had learned to use gestures to meaningful representation, so that they can communicate their basic needs. An example would be to imagine that you hold a cup and bring it to his lips to tell others that he was thirsty.
Another possibility would be a simple communication board with pictures representing objects to be the basic needs in context. Everything you need to do is to show the desired object. A toilet, a fork, yes / no, (bed, chair, wheelchair, television, radio, numbers, the letters have no value), shower, a sweater, a pillow, blanket, favorite foods, photos, and family pets, cup, milk carton, a comb, a nurse / doctor, pill bottle and brush are very useful.
Place to find photos in a 14 "x10" and "Show your card scanner to the object you want to scan, ifhe reads. Once an object that it really helps the idea of keeping with the theme of the picture (yes, that is can be very difficult) for a patient with a stroke.
Good luck!

Anonymous said...

Sorry, but probably will not after 10 years as an improvement. After his career as everyone should consider the rehabilitation and allowed to heal.

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