Saturday, January 2, 2010

Alabama Deer Hunting Lodges Help Finding A Gun For Deer Hunting!?

Help finding a gun for deer hunting!? - alabama deer hunting lodges

Ok. I'm trying to get a gun to her husband for Christmas. We live in Alabama and open to hunting in the forests of scrub to grassland to. He wants a rifle for deer hunting. I did some research and presented with either a 270 (I do not know what brand) or 30/06 (not sure which brand).

Can you give me some suggestions on the best firearm or ammunition, or cheaper than everything you can imagine. We also welcome the recommendations of the mark, because I do not know what I do not have!

It also has shoulder problems and I do not know if "mega" would kick good for him, but take care not appear to men has the firearm and death.

Thank you!


JD said...

OK.Now everyone is in disarray with their own preferences here.As let me give you an idea of distributors, Armero and a hunter with over 35 + years of hunting and firearms Friendly and not just a hobby, but my business and my life .

Depending on your budget, we encourage you to participate in the following 2 options for a gun of her husband.

The Remington 700 is probably one of the most popular weapons are produced and sold, and the meter 270 is one of five in the popularity of deer hunting. This size is perfect and at the same time, not only effective, but they offer slightly less recoil, their husbands shoulder injury.

The other weapon I recommend is the series of Savage bolt action rifle, once in 270 caliber. There are various models and are a bit cheaper than the Remington 's, but they will not sacrifice quality for a lower price.

If you have a Cabelas or Bass Pro Shop sporting ,***** Sports Authority store in your area in generalcan easily see, you go first hand these weapons. The employees and staff with expertise and answer any questions about this weapon or have another camp in May.

I say that we are focusing on these two brands on the market itself was for many years here on the East Coast (Maryland) through the sale of two brands 10-1 against any other weapon in my shop (s). To see a gunsmith, I can still see some problems with brands that hunters and others not. As for Remington and Savage, I have to repair less often than other brands. For me says it all. Check this if you can personally, and I will be happy with additional information is needed to make the right choice .. I agree with others that make a big deal, but unusually for her husband to do the time and effort to do this on its own as an intelligent surprise.Pretty cool ... ..

goneforn... said...

Bound man here:

Hello. They make a very good question. I wonder what caliber choice fell on you or he? The, 270 Winchester, and .25-06 Remington cartridge is the same father ... The .30 - '06 Springfield. Due to the ability of the cases, three probably the same level of decline. If you and your husband is not in the game, the 270 or .30-06, I suggest that you think is the 6mm Remington or .243 Winchester, the Central and probably less if the decline less.

To mark the rifle, I suggest a Remington 700th Personally, I think detail the passage of heavy guns, bow and my preference. You can use a Remington 700 SPS Varmint in, 243 to buy Winchester (see link: ...) in a Cabela's for about $ 500. Personally, I prefer the style Remington trigger quite wild in progress ... Although Savage rifles are very good!

Aware since my accident, and many fractures to the regression andCartridge reconsider my decision to ... and that consideration would be my shotgun if I could use my 308 S.

Good luck!

dca20033... said...

The two (2) * Buy the best options for the size you recommend around 308 or 30.06 .* Remington or Savage .* marks new or used, and New $$$$.* not shoot better than a good used. **

DJ said...

Jenni, I hope this kind of pleased with your wonderful wife!

OK, since you have a lot of useful information, thank you.

You have also reduced in two ways, a very good class.

I'm a fan of the venerable .30-06 but you need a little more than .270, which is a bit lighter, but still a good size for white-tailed deer in Alabama. In view of the shoulder, go ahead and choose the 270th

Price and availability of ammunition for hunting are the same, so no real benefit for everyone.

Fire the weapon is primarily through the budget and personal preferences determined ..... with what we know is going to a difficult decision.

May I know what to use your family, friends and hunting companions? This may provide some answers.

Normally, I recommend Savage and Remington as a budget option that more than half of the final budget. This is a very general advice, but in reality there are many very good brands. If you have the money to splurge, Weatherby and Kimber are the brands that everyone wants.

Also, as important as the rifle is the scope. Again, budget and personal preferences of a majority in that decision. I like areas from Nikon, Leupold, or weaving are very good.

Well, be careful when shopping. The arms dealers are mostly guys really mind turned to the right, but you have interest in selling what they have in stock or do what the profit margin on most.

It is also very important that you understand that there are laws prohibiting a party to acquire a weapon for the other party. It's sad, but because some criminals by buying the straw that people like me, and you must be careful, we buy gifts for their relatives. If the purchase is by law the weapon.

An alternative is that your husband (a gift voucher or an envelope with money) and give him the joy of harvest and selection of your weapon, rifle scope and accessories. Not as cool as unpacking a box under the tree, but a lot of fun for children. I know it's just how I could have one if my wife was nice enough for mea new weapon for Christmas!

Anonymous said...

Look at the Remington 700 series rifles. If you are concerned mega "kick", then won with the .25-06 Remington. These blows below the, 270 Winchester and the deer and drops. Among them, 270 and .30-06 '06 is more kick.

EUR 12.5 back to .25-06 (120 grains);
Decrease of £ 16.5, 270 (130 grains) and
£ 17.6 decline for the .30-06 (150 grains).

Note: I have killed deer in both .25-06 and not to 270 deer and indistinguishable. They just fall.

Good luck.


beez said...

The best information you can get is at the local armory.

vdog585 said...

.270, .30-06, .25-06, .308-Caliber guns in a good or ALL found. My preference is THE.308. Remington, Marlin, Mossberg have cheap all weapons, and some have a range INCLUDED! Check Sports Academy, hair, Bass Pro, Gander Mountain, the agreements are there! AND ALSO FOR THOSE WHO DO NOT want the POOR DEER, Texas alone had around 20,000 animals and a ban on the hunting of deer behind the 1900s, but the hunt and with regard to heritage conservation study, we now have a deer population in the millions !

dirtydan... said...

Jenni either 270 or 30 to 06. Both are excellent deer calibers.You can not go wrong with either. Both are
high profile of all for all types of big game. The `06 has a wider range of bullet weights to choose between hunting for different applications.
A Remington 700 is a good spirit, but there are many others, are some very $ $ $. Talk to your dealer. Can you more for your money so to speak.
Buy the best rifle range that you can afford, the treasure
and thank you for your attention.

Corvo said...


To date, this model, I suggest the Remington Model 700th This is a good weapon for a price that is not so bad, and will take years. If the purchase is in the chamber of the .270, do not worry too much shooting, whether (if the .30-06) still run a bit more.

Corvo said...


To date, this model, I suggest the Remington Model 700th This is a good weapon for a price that is not so bad, and will take years. If the purchase is in the chamber of the .270, do not worry too much shooting, whether (if the .30-06) still run a bit more.

Buckhunt... said...

You can not go wrong with 270 or 30-06. Find a trusted friend or neighbor to help you decide what to buy. Perhaps you read a Winchester Model 70 and Remington Model 700 or Model Kimber 84th They are all good guns, hold their value.

Doodlest... said...

Jenni, I do not know what weapon to recommend (my sister and BIL and I hunt deer with 270 for that), especially since I live in North Carolina and not in the AL! I wished that I used a 30/06, for target shooting years and had substantial bribes (I) had quite the sore shoulder. Maybe not a good choice.

If you see do not know other hunters if you can find a hunting party narrowly (see internet). They are the best source of information, since with the area and the wildlife trusts in your environment. County Sheriff's Department. also in a position to make recommendations on how many law enforcement and hunting. Your local gun shop is also a source, but since it has an economic interest in question may present their proposals.

All you guys complaining about the game, would you rather have a parent wanted to die when they get a deer on the highway by overpopulation? Hold down the deer population in check, the greedy powerful agricultural crops in the course of feeds is important in the Finderng to avoid a balance and a slow death by starvation of animals in the mass.

rock r said...

If you go to save one of these 2 sizes with the .30-06 Remington 700 or a model of money and go with a savage, you can call them, but a really cool new weapon. Lessons now, there are many good deer caliber, that its impossible to pick one, so with their husbands without knowing statue (large, small, etc.) here is a list of great deer cartridges for smaller people to win 243, 6mm REM , 7mm - 06, 308 to those who are big and KILLEM as dead as anything but recoilless especially if hes a big man who could drive, my favorite is a 280 Remington Thompson by 30-06 and 300 Win Mag, but almost all the magnums are more than enough to kill the wild animals that are more expensive balls, they are not intended to take adequate account of animals such as deer skin, and difficult to expand, this should be your first list, 7mm-08, 280 Remington, 308 or 30.06 insurance 4th

rock r said...

If you go to save one of these 2 sizes with the .30-06 Remington 700 or a model of money and go with a savage, you can call them, but a really cool new weapon. Lessons now, there are many good deer caliber, that its impossible to pick one, so with their husbands without knowing statue (large, small, etc.) here is a list of great deer cartridges for smaller people to win 243, 6mm REM , 7mm - 06, 308 to those who are big and KILLEM as dead as anything but recoilless especially if hes a big man who could drive, my favorite is a 280 Remington Thompson by 30-06 and 300 Win Mag, but almost all the magnums are more than enough to kill the wild animals that are more expensive balls, they are not intended to take adequate account of animals such as deer skin, and difficult to expand, this should be your first list, 7mm-08, 280 Remington, 308 or 30.06 insurance 4th

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