Friday, January 1, 2010

Pda Chess What's Your Favorite Chess Program On A PDA?

What's your favorite chess program on a PDA? - pda chess

I received a Palm TX as a birthday present. I have absolutely no use for it could be that other games during my trip.

So I think the installation of a chess program ..... I think maybe .... .... ChessGenius What programs do you recommend for or against?

Thank you in advance.

1 comment:

an_gel_o... said...

s software is as hard as I could find were evaluated, so I bought it. But I do not have much time to play tag. But unlike other software that show an analysis function that you can play and offers a wealth of information on the screen during play

Chess Tiger is another good program that plays a strong game. The screen is a bit risky in this and seems a little easier on the eyes with a thick piece of the future.

I think my copy of chess genius who works on my Palm anymore, and I do not remember if it came with a database of games. But I remember it was very similar to Pocket Chess Deluxe and I liked it well.

Probably the best bet is to go to or and download free trials at each of these games offered (with the exception Hiarcs losses could find But they also offer a trial version). Put each in the palm of your hand and play a while and see what you want. In a nutshell ... All are pretty decent, and can only comE question of personal taste.

I must say that I tried Chessmaster ® for Palm and crashed, and I could never get to work. How not to stay away from there otherwise.

Good luck! The PDA is a good way to play chess laptop! I know you love them, no matter where you choose one!

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