Saturday, February 13, 2010

Circle Of Hades Maximize The Area Of The Iscosceles Triangles Inscribe In The Unit Circle?

Maximize the area of the iscosceles triangles inscribe in the unit circle? - circle of hades

How is that?
I think we can cut the circle in half and get two semi-circles and triangles. I hade a problem where the maximum area of a triangle find rignht in a circle SEM. So I guess what I have to do is still the two areas and have my answer, but I'm not sure if this is correct.

1 comment:

RJ Hunt said...

His method should lead to the correct answer.

Basically, the function y (x +1) to maximize subject to the constraint x ^ 2 + y ^ 2 = 1. These are derivatives, the creation of zero, and the solution of the roots. My answer is iscosceles triangle whose base 2/sqrt (2). Not adjust to your answer?

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