Sunday, December 20, 2009

Sinusitis Relief Anybody Know How To Get Relief From A Chronically Bunged Up Nose?

Anybody know how to get relief from a chronically bunged up nose? - sinusitis relief

Chronic sinusitis
Wheezing and Brat.

It seems a cold circulation the more people there now seem a bit?


Nettie's British Blue said...

When the cold season is here again. I was fighting at the doctors last week and my doctor of the poor to cope with its cold climate and patients at a time when.

If you are not on the business this time a proven method found is to put Vick's Vapor Rub in a glass bowl and pour boiling water (not too important to scold them, of course).

Keep your head on a platter, cover your head with a towel, and inhale the steam for the moment it's bearable. Then take a Lemsip powder or capsule. It will have a stuffy nose break of several hours and a little relief from other symptoms such as sneezing, cold and sore throat.

Then you go to bed with a bottle with hot water and a sip of whiskey!

They are as right as rain in no time.

EDIT If sinusitis is gone after trying to remain cold, vitamin C and garlic.

Nettle said...

Inhale the steam.

Keep your head over a bowl of boiling water with a towel over his head.

Be sure to burn for you.

Camphor oil is also good for breathing on one or two drops on a handkerchief.

skelomal... said...

Evidence of this was for me.
Closing one nostril and inhale deeply and exhale breath other.Alternate in each nostril.
Do this for 5 minutes and you feel your sinuses sanitation.

taketwo said...

see his dooctor

zoomrake... said...

You can try this

I think it helps.

I also had an operation to straighten my septum has also contributed.

J C said...


mad said...

Poor you! The tip of the steam is good - you can add a drop of Olbas oil into the water, add to clean the pipes. So Nice healthy food - lots of fruits and vegetables, Echinacea, and the air clean and fresh - for the prevention of new infections by strengthening the immune system.

Smiler said...

Sudafed decongestant tablets without a prescription. Does the trick for me!

Smiler said...

Sudafed decongestant tablets without a prescription. Does the trick for me!

Maggie said...

Bowl of warm water with a bit of Vick, with a towel over his head and breathe AA

snowcrab... said...

I take generic Claritin (get it at Sam's Wholesale Club really cheap) every night.
Also take 2 capsules of grape seed extract (Walmart) twice daily, if I have symptoms.
I saw a difference.

jennifer... said...

Take medications, medications for colds without prescription.
One for allergies, sinusitis and colds!

This time of year, climate change!

jennifer... said...

Take medications, medications for colds without prescription.
One for allergies, sinusitis and colds!

This time of year, climate change!

jennifer... said...

Take medications, medications for colds without prescription.
One for allergies, sinusitis and colds!

This time of year, climate change!

farytopi... said...

Eucalyptus oil.
releave the nose.
and so hot Hunny Dring and lemon trees, which have antibacterial properties that help to rid themselves quickly of the cold

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