Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Cycling Gear Online Cycling Question Dealing With Calories?

Cycling question dealing with calories? - cycling gear online

When I ride my bike computer for at least 20 miles (range, probably about 20-50) per day, 5 days or more per week and at least one day a week, I go 50 + miles from the amount of calories I burn and how many weeks will it take before I get rid of my belly and thighs (I'm not a big, but I do not have much muscle If I Can not Have I really do not want muscle I wiegh fat 140ish and came 15 years later) My diet is not the cause of your big day, not per day balanced and I do not eat meat or vegetables, but I want as 3.10 cups of grain per day, and I thought if I have passed the total purchase price identified a healthy diet. I do not know what road speed, but I did not put pressure must have a period of 10 hours, but I go for hours, you pay the MSP, and I go a little further. I have several online calcullators calories and some said I lost today ridin 1000ish calories for 3 hours, but others say that I am only 40 so I have no idea at this point, but for 3 hours, id expect Losin Battle of 1000 , but lost only 40 seems much too little for 3Hours.

For further information please contact


boo2 said...

Speed is a crucial factor in this calculation. That's probably why you will find a wide range of responses. Going 10 mph burns calories less than 20 because of the resistance of the wind. Weight also plays a role.
This link will take anywhere from 350 to 1200 ... ... http://www.nutristrategy.com/fitness/cyc

To calculate the speed, traveling at 20 miles and time. / Mile x 20 hours ... if it takes 1 hours, you have 20 mph 2, 10 MPH ...

It is more accurate.
Then burn the time required to ... every pound of fat is about 3,500 calories. That is a lot of miles at any speed, do not expect a great super fast processing. However, the muscle tone and you will see rapid improvements at this speed regardless of the weight loss.

Balancing your diet, too. Just because it says Total does not mean it has everything you need! If you do not always need the nutrients to work hard, your body will rob. Eat a balanced diet!

Silverbu... said...

Calories Figure 30-40 miles. Can not remember exactly because it depends on the mechanical efficiency, the efficiency of digestion and cycling. Everyone is a bit different.

How to lose weight if you eat less than you is your time supply needs excess fat used as fuel to offset the difference.

The end result will be mounted weight loss if you do not really eat like a pig.

Silverbu... said...

Calories Figure 30-40 miles. Can not remember exactly because it depends on the mechanical efficiency, the efficiency of digestion and cycling. Everyone is a bit different.

How to lose weight if you eat less than you is your time supply needs excess fat used as fuel to offset the difference.

The end result will be mounted weight loss if you do not really eat like a pig.

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