Lol this is so inaccurate and help? - bmi calculators inaccurate
I tried my% body fat was explained very well that I found and 7.5 can be expected at 3-5%, which is a bit too much I suppose, but I was not a question that I found this site http: / / www. / she is VERY vague and no one else wants to do and tell me if this is the same for me lol u definantly 30.16% body fat
bmi age used to determine only the size and weight of the body fat%. Muscle weighs more than fat, so that the BMI could show that a lot of weight and a high BMI, even if it weighs as much muscle --
bmi age used to determine only the size and weight of the body fat%. Muscle weighs more than fat, so that the BMI could show that a lot of weight and a high BMI, even if it weighs as much muscle --
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